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Information Technology Services

Independent Verification & Validation Services (IV&V)

Destiny offers federal government clients extensive experience in Independent Verification and Validation services. Our best practice-based approach helps our clients to identify issues and inconsistencies earlier in the lifecycle, thereby reducing resources and effort required. Our verification activities ensure that the system is built correctly, and our validation activities ensure that the correct system meeting all the customer requirements is being built. These activities are essential for a holistic quality assurance process ensuring a good quality product.


Destiny combines traditional structured software testing/verification with strategic assessments and recommendations to create a positive, collaborative atmosphere focused on success of the program. Specific services offered include Project Management Office support, strategic risk management, contractor deliverable review, security testing & evaluation, system certification and accreditation, stakeholder outreach facilitation, technology assessments, software testing, and system acceptance testing.

Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) & COTS Integration 

SOA as a software architecture perspective involves achieving business requirements and goals by stringing services together. In an SOA, environment resources are made available as independent services and can be accessed without the knowledge of the underlying platform. This approach allows reuse of services at the macro level to assist organizations to respond to changing market conditions quickly and cost-effectively.


Destiny consultants have worked on large SOA implementations for Federal Government clients. We have also performed Analysis of Alternatives to evaluate the best products to realize their SOA requirements. We have multiple years of experience on relative to protocols and specifications like SOAP, XML, WSDL, and JSR 128. These are fundamental in enabling a SOA.


Destiny also provides enterprise application integration services to help streamline business processes and improve organizational performance. These services assist our clients to weave independent applications into a single virtual system, eliminating duplicate data entry, improving data quality, and improving customer support.

Website & Software Development

Destiny provides a full range of Information Technology (IT) solutions. We are experienced with designing, building, converting, managing, and supporting IIT systems running in the Mainframe, Client Server, and WEB, on line, and batch computing environments. We have in depth experience in database design and data analysis for both operational systems (support the business process and capture the data related to the process) and business intelligence-decision support-knowledgebase systems (turns data into business information). Destiny has expertise in applications requiring online enrollment or registration; electronic collections and payments; comprehensive transaction, as well as reconciliation reporting and network configuration, including use of firewalls and T1 lines to support the application environment.

Our IT experience includes:

  • WEB (Internet and Intranet) Systems Design, Development, and Management using (HTML, JavaScript, Cold Fusion, ASP, PHP, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and COTS Integrated software Services)

  • Drupal, Joomla and Wordpress Content Management System (CMS) Development

  • Systems Integration and Conversion (Mainframe, Client Server, WEB)

  • Data and Database (Master Data Management, Data Migration, Data Quality, Data Synchronization)

  • Database Logical and Physical design

  • Business Intelligence, Decision Support, and Knowledge Management Systems

  • Data Warehousing, Data Mart, Operational Data Store, ETL, Data Analysis, Data Dictionary, OLAP, Reporting

  • Software Development Lifecycle Methodology (CASE, Project Management, RAD, CM)

  • Enterprise Architecture and Strategic IT Planning

  • Document Management, Scanning, and Storage

Network Design, Implementation & Support Services

Reliable operation of the enterprise network is no longer just a business utility – it has become a necessity for business survival. Information and network technology have evolved beyond a way to improve productivity and decrease cost, to strategic resources for competing in a global marketplace. Economic and competitive pressures force enterprises to derive the greatest possible business value from the transfer of information and knowledge. An effective IT infrastructure has become key to obtaining information faster, from more sources.


This "IT revolution" is being driven by demands for faster network access, more bandwidth, distributed client/server computing, and new multimedia applications including streaming video. The rate of technology change and a corporation's acceptance of technology as a business enabler have served to complicate and challenge internal IT service organizations. New computing platforms and complex enterprise-wide application packages promise enterprises more agile, more competitive environments for business, but installing, upgrading, and maintaining these complex systems is often a daunting task.


Destiny, using its proven processes and procedures, as well as its broad knowledge of existing and next generation network technology, can quickly and accurately assess network situations, effectively diagnose current problems, and anticipate future needs. Destiny's Network Management services use a flexible, engineering approach to meet customer's network needs. Destiny's delivery and implementation services are structured and managed to create a harmonious performance of process, tools, technology, and people.


As the product of Destiny's expertise in technology analysis, development, design, integration, and management, our Network Management services ensure the highest levels of current network performance and reliability, while anticipating business requirements into the next millennium.

Help Desk Support Services

Services that handle a company's internal queries and operational problems about IT related issues. This service might include hardware and software support, logging of problems, dispatch of service technicians or parts, training coordination, etc.

Destiny's Help Desk services redefine traditional help desks to minimize support costs and ensure high levels of user satisfaction, enhance productivity, and effectively use resources. The Help Desk services provide customers with:

  • Single Point of Accountability (SPOA) to eliminate multiple calls to the help desk.

  • Expanded Coverage to ensure that help is there 24 hours, 7 days a week.

  • Effective First Call Close Rate to minimize repeated calls, user downtime, and frustration.

  • Courteous and Knowledgeable Personnel to provide answers to routine questions quickly, help the user learn how to perform simple diagnostics and functions, understand the applications.

  • Tracking and Reporting to give the IT manager the knowledge necessary to take preventive action. By tracking the type of calls and resolution, system, network, application and training problem trends can be identified and addressed.

  • Destiny delivers high quality user support and associated cost reductions by combining our highly trained personnel, certified processes, and in-depth experience with cutting edge help desk tools and technology.

Other IT Services


Destiny performs effective and targeted Program and Project Management to provide successful delivery of services to our clients. Destiny has a wealth of experience doing project management for large, multi-year projects. Our approach is based on a combination of our experience, best practices, and proven methods. Destiny integrates project management, change management, risk management, and quality assurance activities throughout the project lifecycle.

Destiny has helped our clients to successfully achieve their business goals within time and budget constraints. Our approach ensures that stakeholders are identified early in the project lifecycle and remain engaged throughout the lifecycle. We emphasize strategic communications to the various stakeholders within and outside the project. We establish comprehensive Work Breakdown Structures, utilize a realistic approach to Risk and Scope management, develop strategic communication plans, and standardize our deliverable approach to design task continuity; even in cases of resource changes and a deliverables based approach.



Destiny provides Enterprise Architecture and Strategic IT planning consulting services. Enterprise Architecture is A strategic information asset base which defines the mission, the information necessary to perform the mission, the technologies necessary to perform the mission, and the transitional processes for implementing new technologies in response to changing mission needs. Our best practices-based approach couples Enterprise Architecture with knowledge gained by implementing EA for various large organization and projects.

Destiny has years of Enterprise Architecture experience and has worked with various EA frameworks like such as Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA), DODAF, and Zachman. Our approach for each project is built upon our knowledge of Enterprise Architecture methodologies and frameworks and our ability to successfully align business needs with Information Technology. This alignment has helped our clients realize gains such as cost savings, cost avoidance, opportunities for consolidation, intra-organizational collaboration, technical standardization, performance metrics, and security integration.



Capital Planning and Investment Control (CPIC) and Earned Value Management (EVM) activities are essential activities required for developing and maintaining a successful and effective OMB Exhibit 300 Business Case. The Office Of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-11 demands that agencies are expected to comply with existing statutes and guidance for planning and funding new assets, achieving cost, schedule and performance goals, and managing the operation of assets to achieve the asset's performance and life-cycle cost goals. This mandate indicates that agencies must comply with an Earned Value Management System standard in order to receive funding for the development, modernization, or enhancement (DME) of major information technology.



Destiny solutions can manage all aspects of your application, including project management and implementation, application performance and reliability, eBusiness security and storage management. In addition, Destiny's eBusiness Information Management solutions are designed to help you maximize the potential of your applications through application life cycle management, data management and application development, and portal and business intelligence solutions.



Destiny has a proven track record in providing Software Development Lifecycle Methodology (SDLCM) services for a number of Federal Government clients. Our development projects range from a lifecycle span of several months to projects that span multiple years. Our best practices-based approach is the mechanism that assures that our developments, modifications, or enhancements meet established customer requirements and support critical success factors. We set forth a standard and logical process for managing IT system development activities and acquisition approvals that are controlled, measured, documented, and ultimately improved, while responding to the following current legislation mandating the use of industry standards. Destiny consultants have worked on development of Web Based Applications, Thick Client based applications, and system integration projects.

Destiny Management Services, LLC

12510 Prosperity Drive, Suite 180 Silver Spring, Maryland20904

Tel. 301-650-0047

Tel. 877-650-0447

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